SAP RE FX: Contract not called in RERAPP transaction !!!

Find the list of reasons why contract not processed during the period processing (TCODE: RERAPP):
1. Contract might be not activated - Check the System Status & User Status.
2. Real Estae Object might be not activated - Check the System Status & User Status.
3. Posting Parameters - tab shows the Frequency if you are running out of the frequency check this.
4. Term - tab Check the Contract start date & 1st Posting date
5. In the Terms tab of your contract , check field "Cash flow start date". Based on this date the system generates(plans) cash flow which gets posted by RERAPP.
6. In the RERAPP screen due date field by default shows <= symbol, means any cash flow planned before or on the date given should be posted. I would suggest to select a later "Due Date", for example "Contract End Date" and see if the syste generates any postings for futute period.
7. Authorization failure also an issue for not calling the contract.

SAP FI: Payment Terms Set Up Example

Payment Terms Issue :

Payment term to be set up as below:

70 days, days of payment 15 and 30


Date invoice: 01/05/2011      Due date: 15/07/2011
Date invoice: 10/05/2011      Due date: 30/07/2011


We have created 3 payment terms with the day limit as 6, 21 and 31.

In the 'payment term' field of OBB8, we have input:

Payment term  Fixed date  Additional months
ZTE6-6            15              2
ZTE6-21          30              2
ZTE6-31          15              3

Required URJENTLY SAP Certified (FICO/SD/MM/PP) or 1 year experience in SAP Implementation / Support

SAP Hirings only in Bangalore for Bangalore on 14 MAY 2011

Please do not forward candidates who are in other locations - if they are willing to travel on their own and only if they meet the below needs please forward.

so why wait, Start forwarding now !!! Please read the requirement and eligibility criteria below :-

Forward your CV who has about  4 to 8 years of experience in their respective domains and also is a SAP Certified professional OR has Minimum of  1 year experience in SAP implementation/support in the following skills: The fast track batches are open only for SD/MM/PP/HR/FICO.

Please send their resumes to before Friday.

SAP AP: F110 Automatic Payment Run : Tables

Payment Run relevant tables: 
FEDIWF1     FI EDI: Person with signing authority
OPN_J1      Japanese DME Foreign Payment Accounting Data (Open FI)
PNBK        Prenotification: New bank data from master records
PNHD        Prenotification: Files created in ACH format
PYONUMKR    Auxiliary structure for lock object EPYONUMKR
PYORDH      Payment order header data
PYORDP      Payment order item data
REGUA       Change of payment proposals: user and time
REGUH       Settlement data from payment program
REGUHH      REGUH version before the 'n'th change
REGUHM      Payment Data for Cross-Payment Run Payment Medium
REGUHO      REGUH version before the 'n'th change
REGUP       Processed items from payment program
REGUP_CORE  Processed Items from Payment Program
REGUPO      Line item status before the 'n'th change
REGUPW      W/tax information per w/tax type/FI line item in pmnt run
REGUS       Acounts blocked by payment proposal
REGUS_SEPA  SEPA Mandate Lock:  Applications To Be Retrieved
REGUT       TemSe - Administration Data
REGUTA      Paying Company Codes for DME Files
REGUV       Control records for the payment program
REGUVM      Payment Data for Cross-Payment Run Payment Medium
SMFIAP      Spec. FI-SL Data in Monitor (See Schedman_specific_fisl)
T004F       Field status definition groups
T012E       EDI-compatible house banks and payment methods
T042        Parameters for payment transactions
T042A       Bank selection for payment program
T042C       Technical Settings For The Payment Program
T042D       Available amounts for payment program
T042FSL     Last additional selections used
T042G       Groups of company codes ( payment program )
T042I       Account determination for payment program
T042J       Bank charges determination
T042JB      Customizing table for Japan Bank Mergers
T042JB1     Customizing table for Japan Bank/Branch Mergers
T042K       Accounts for bank charges
T042L       Bank transaction code names
T042M       User Numbers At The Bank
T042N       Bank transaction codes
T042OFI     Events for MT100 and other DME Formats
T042OFIT    Events for MT100 and other DME Formats
T042P       Bank selection by postal code
T042R       Name of account holder (ref.specifications on bk.details
T042S       Charges/expenses for automatic pmnt transactions
T042U       Block Entries for Debit Customers/Credit Vendors
T042V       Value date for automatic payments
T045T       User ID for bank transactions
T077D       Customer account groups
T077K       Vendor account groups
T078D       Trans.-dependent screen selection for cust.master
T078K       Transaction-dependent screen selection for vendor master
T079D       Company code-dependent screen sel.for cust.master
T079K       Company code-dependent screen sel.for vend.master
T079M       Vendor master data screen selection (
TBACN       Bank EDI file version numbers
TBSL        Posting Key
TFAGS       Definition of FI clearing rules
TFAGT       Texts on FI clearing rules
TZGR        Grouping rules for automatic payments
TZGRT       Name of grouping rules
TBTCO       Job Status Overview Table
TFBUF       Table for FI Data Puffers
TRDIR       Generated Table for View TRDIR 
VARID       Variant directory
VARIT       Variant Texts

SAP FI: SWIFT Code details

SWIFT code is a standard format of Bank Identifier Codes (BIC) and it is unique identification code for a particular bank. These codes are used when transferring money and messages between banks.

The SWIFT code consists of 8 or 11 characters. When 8-digits code is given, it refers to the primary office.
First 4 characters - bank code (only letters)
Next 2 characters - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (only letters)
Next 2 characters - location code (letters and digits) (passive participant will have "1" in the second character)
Last 3 characters - branch code, optional ('XXX' for primary office) (letters and digits)

SAP Cutover Activities : Master Data Uploading Strategies

Master Data Uploading Strategies depends upon when we are going live.  As per that, you have to give the information to Core Team. 
--> If you are going live at the middle of the year then you have to upload the all P&L Account items and B/S Items.   
--> If you are going live at the financial year start, you have to upload only the B/S Items.

Activities for Golive: 

1.   G/L Master Upload through BDC or LSMW (Upload using the TC: FS00 and extend one company code to another company code using the TC: FS01)
2.   Vendor Master Upload Thru BDC Or LSMW (Will be taken care by MM Consultant, Reconciliation account anc payment terms at company code level will be provided by FI) 
3.   Customer Master Upload Thru BDC or LSMW (Will be taken care by SD  Consultant, Reconciliation account anc payment terms at company code level will be provided by FI)  4.   Asset Master Upload (TC: AS90) 
5.   Cost Element Master Upload (TC: KSH1) 
6.   Cost Center Master Upload  (TC: KS01)
7.   Profit Center Master Upload  (TC: KE53)
8.   G/L Balances (TC: FB01) 
9.   Vendor Balances (TC: F-43) 
10. Customer Balances (TC: F-22) 
11. Customer Advances (TC: F-29) 
12. Vendor Advances (TC: F-48)
In case WHT is activated for the specified comapny code the before uploading Vendor Balances you have to take care of WHT(TDS) Information.